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PureHealth Research, Toenail Treatment Oil, 0.34 oz (10 ml)

PureHealth Research, Toenail Treatment Oil, 0.34 oz (10 ml)
Our Price:$33.39
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BrandPureHealth Research
ProductToenail Treatment Oil
Package Size0.34 oz (10 ml)

PureHealth Research Toenail Treatment Oil

  • Essential Oil for Nail Fungus.

Help fight irritating & embarrassing toenail fungus by supporting your body's natural defenses with the powerful, natural ingredients in Toenail Treatment Oil! A new natural blend formulated by PureHealth Research unleashes the full power of Essential Oils to help detox, replenish, and rehydrate your skin and nourish healthy toenail growth.

Active Ingredients:
Almond oil, Oregano oil, Clove oil, and Tea Tree oil.

Apply this all-natural oil 3-4 times a day and make sure you keep foot exposed for 1/2 hour before covering for full absorption. Use your complimentary brush applicator to work into the nail.

Shake well for before using for the best results.

1. Clean your feet, toes, and toenails with soap and water.

2. Dry thoroughly with a soft towel (and chuck in the laundry to disinfect).

3. Apply a drop or two of Toenail Treatment Oil onto the infected nail and surrounding skin.

4. Let the oil soak in for about 10 minutes.

5. Scrub the nail with a soft toothbrush to brush away dead skin cells and loose nail bits, helping healthy, fresh skin cells reach the surface. Cleaning under the nail helps reduce any smell.

6. Repeat daily until the infected nail has been replaced with a new, healthy one. This will take months.

PureHealth Research, Toenail Treatment Oil, 0.34 oz (10 ml)

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