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Aloha Bay, Himalayan Mini Mill Crystal Salt with Grinder Dispenser, 3.5 oz

Aloha Bay, Himalayan Mini Mill Crystal Salt with Grinder Dispenser, 3.5 oz
Item# YA0153
Our Price:$4.00
Availability:Usually ships out within 48 hours of processing
time if product is available.
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BrandAloha Bay
ProductHimalayan Mini Mill Crystal Salt with Grinder Dispenser
Package Size3.5 oz

Aloha Bay Himalayan Mini Mill Crystal Salt

  • No Additives.
  • The Best Salt on Earth.
  • Coarse Salt & Grinder.
  • Glass Container.
  • Disposable Plastic Grinder.

Himalayan Crystal Salt
"The Best Salt on Earth!" Gourmet cooks recommend the exquisite taste of our wholesome, natural, pink Himalayan crystal salt. Bio-energetically "alive", this salt contains the same 84 key trace minerals as found in our bodies, so it is easily metabolized. Hammer-crushed and additive-free, this salt is pinkish in color due to the minerals it contains. The items below are fair trade products from the Salt Range region of Pakistan.

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