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Charantea, Bitter Melon Ampalaya 500 mg, 90 Vegicaps

Charantea, Bitter Melon Ampalaya 500 mg, 90 Vegicaps
Item# SEN-48720-7
Our Price:$21.55
Availability:Usually ships out within 48 hours of processing
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ProductBitter Melon Ampalaya 500 mg
Package Size90 Vegicaps

Charantea Bitter Melon 500 mg

  • Vegetable capsules.
  • Helps maintain normal blood sugar levels.

Charantea Bitter Melon Capsules contains the same 100% bitter melon ingredient as the tea in a more convenient vegetable capsule form, ideal for people on the go, in the office or on the road.

Charantea Vegetable Capsules are vegetarian-friendly with no animal by-products used.

Charantea is made from 100% dried whole Ampalaya [Bitter Melon] fruits, trusted for its nutritional value and health benefits. Natural, safe and effective, Charantea helps fortify a low-fat, high-fiber diet recommended for maintaining normal blood sugar levels.

Take 2 capsules after every meal, three times a day. With regular daily use, you can begin to see and feel the benefits in as little as two weeks to one month. Monitor your blood sugar levels regularly to see the results!